Our Business Explained! Let's Thrift For Our Future!

First of all, welcome to Beautiful Bargains! You've landed on our blog, where we rant and rave about all things THRIFT!

However, you're probably wondering 'who are we?' and 'what on earth do we do'?! Thankfully, this blog post should answer all of your questions! So, let's begin...

Who Are We?

Beautiful Bargains operates as a small, independent, online thrift store. Our aim is to reduce the amount of reusable goods ending up in landfill sites across the UK.

We sell primarily via our eBay store, however, we also offer instant payment methods via the Depop Selling App. To keep up-to-date with our latest products and announcements, you can follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to our emails by clicking the 'SUBSCRIBE' button above.

Beautiful Bargains on eBay.co.uk

What Do We Do?

Supported by a dedicated team of individuals, we collect, salvage, and resell anything that we can get our hands on! Whether it be items refused by a charity store, or items that are kindly donated to us, we aim to find them a new home. We also sell all of our products for a fraction of their original retail price. For more information regarding how we source our stock, follow the link below:

"Sourcing Out Stock: Discover How Our Thrift Store Thrives!"

Why Do We Do It?

Whilst we understand that our efforts alone will not solve the UK's waste crisis, we believe that every small endeavour counts towards change! By choosing to thrift, we are reducing UK waste, and helping to secure our future.

Thrift Reuse Recycle Environment UK Waste Crisis Economical Fashion

The above explains our business in a nutshell! However, if you still have questions that need answering, feel free to contact us.


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