Top 5 Money Saving Tips!

Do you regularly find yourself trying to make £10 last you until payday? You're not alone! Being thrifty with your cash doesn't come naturally to everyone. If this screams you, carry on reading to discover some simple money-saving tips!

1. Create a Shopping List

Let's face it, the supermarket shop can be harsh on your budget. Unbeknown to many, retailers use visual tools to tempt buyers into spending more. Hence, most people walk away with £10-£20 worth of items that they don't actually need.

So, how do you avoid this? ... It's simple! Create a shopping list, and most importantly, stick to it!

2. Save Your Change

It's true that they say, "every penny counts!" Whilst it may seem pointless to keep those coppers, they do eventually add up to a substantial amount of cash.

Furthermore, there's no need to hand over a tonne of change to a till-worker. Handy coin converter machines can be found at supermarkets and post offices!

Money Saving Tips

3. Take a Packed Lunch to Work

The average supermarket meal deal costs £3. If you calculate it, working Monday to Friday, lunchtime meal deals would cost you £15 per week. That's £60 a month!

However, making your own packed lunches can lower the cost! Check out some cheap and tasty lunch ideas here: >> The Diary of a Frugal Family!

Money Saving Tips

4. Wait For The Sales

Want that stunning coat you've seen for Christmas? Why not ask for the money it's worth, and then wait until the Boxing Day sales? Then you get your coat, and some cash on the side.

Likewise, if you see anything you fancy advertised at full price, wait for 2 weeks and theirs a good chance it's price will have been reduced. Always keep a look out for online discounts and vouchers too!

5. Buy Your Christmas Presents in Bulk

Do you have tonnes of acquaintances on your Christmas list? Look out for 3 for 2 deals on beauty gifts, accessories, and chocolate boxes. After all, you can always create an acceptable gift by chucking a few generic items together! Also, be warned that prices always rise towards Christmas. Start shopping early in order to save!

Money Saving Tips

These changes aren't huge, but will hugely benefit your bank balance. Plus, you could always shop on auction sites to find a bargain! Stick to these tips, and you'll be a money-saving expert in no time!


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